Democracy - "Government that is by the people, of the people and for the people".
Its very interesting that this very simple and apt definition in a way says everything that constitutes the democracy. Still its unfortunate that although we might be having a govt. "by and of the people", its no where close to "for the people" in-spite of being the largest democracy in the world. The role of people have become limited to voting in the elections every four years. Why should that be? So called leaders today challenge the uprising of civil society by arguing that their voice in unconstitutional and "if you want to make a change why not fight elections?" So does that mean that once elected, a representative has no duty towards the needs of people? Is that democratic and constitutional? Me as an individual, an engineer, doctor, artist, writer, farmer, a common man who cannot fight elections does not have any say in the democracy without being elected??
What is unconstitutional is the fact that today, the govt. believes that once elected, it can take things for granted until next elections. The belief that people have no say in govt. policies even if it is to make things better, is what I believe is undemocratic.
True essence of democracy lies in participation. It would only help in strengthening and consistently improving the same with the time. Transparency and Accountability are the pillars that would only help lay the strong foundation in lieu of which it won't be long that the system would collapse.
Lets hope that the present politicos take a note soon and take necessary steps that would make us not only largest but also most successful democracy in the world.
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