Sunday, August 7, 2011

No Smoking IMC Campaign

The promotional video was made by us as a part of IMC Campaign in our college (Symbiosis Institute of International Business). We wanted to come up with an innovative way of educating the youth of the consequences of Smoking. 

Following is creative brief that formed the basis for the same.

Creative Brief

Background :
Studies show that youth as a segment is most attracted and prone to smoking

Goal and Objective : 
To make the youth aware of the consequences of smoking.

Target audience: 
Youth between  age group of 16-30.

Methodology / Theme:
Targeting the emotional appeal – long life, family
Short term attraction can be fatal
Educating and catching attention in a way that appeals to youth.

Thanks for watching.. Hope you liked it..
Any comments are welcome and do feel free to share with others if you find it interesting..
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